Demonstration Application for XPages

As the name suggests the Demonstration Application for XPages is a web based IBMLotus Domino R8.5 application used to demonstrate many aspects of the new XPagestechnology.

Launched via a web browser, the user can navigate through the provided links menu and see how many of the XPages features might work on a real application.


The demo application can also be worked with in IBM Lotus Domino Designer R8.5.

Here the user can see how the application is put together and inspire the user to reuse theXPages features displayed in their own Domino 8.5 applications.

The Demonstration Application for XPages has been released on under theApache v2 license.

Lead Manager XPage Sample

IBM recently started a new project on OpenNTF ( Lead Manager X ) The Lead Manager is a sample CRM application. It shows how to take an existing suite of Notes applications, and give them a new XPage based web front end. The existing rich client application (and the databases they reside in) are completely unchanged.

There is a video tour of the application on YouTube and an application overview on the Lotus Domino Designer Wiki.

Thanks to Jo Grant and Craig Wolpert for sharing the application and providing the full source code.

The great code / application giveaway

Right after IBM has released the first version of a xPages based wiki on OpenNTF, elguji, the makers of IdeaJam and LinkJam released TaskJam. TaskJam is a free, simple to use IBM Lotus Domino XPages task tracking web application.

Want to configure your Domino server? Use DCT. The Domino Configuration Tuner (DCT) provides easy-to-use self-service configuration analysis for more robust installations and better performance of Domino servers.

How much space could you save when you enable DAOS on your servers?  Download the Lotus Domino Attachment and Object Service Estimator (DAOS Estimator), a tool for planning the roll-out of DAOS on the Domino 8.5 server.
