HCL Notes/Domino 11.0.1 Fix List
HCL Notes/Domino 11.0.1 Fix List KB0078424 https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0078424
HCL Notes/Domino 11.0.1 Fix List KB0078424 https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0078424
Due to an issue with the JVM installed with Domino V11.0.1, LE4D throws an error when the tool tries to import the new / renewed certificate into the Domino keyring file.
The agent calls the kyrtool and passes the required parameters to the tool.
On the Domino V11.0.1 console, you will see an error
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "cmd.exe": Malformed argument has embedded quote: "d:\domino\kyrtool.exe" create -k "d:\domino\data\eknori_staging.kyr"
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:1048)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:621)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:486)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at de.midpoints.le4d.tools.CommandProcessor.executeCommand(CommandProcessor.java:11)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at de.midpoints.le4d.manager.Le4dManager.runKyrTool(Le4dManager.java:623)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at de.midpoints.le4d.manager.Le4dManager.run(Le4dManager.java:205)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at de.midpoints.MPStarter.NotesMain(MPStarter.java:16)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: at lotus.domino.NotesThread.run(Unknown Source)
13.04.2020 06:48:52 Agent error: Caused by:
The problem is not in the code itself, because it runs on Domino V9.0.1FP10 and also on Domino V10.x and also on Domino V11. It seemed to stop working after upgrading the server to V11.0.1
I searched for the error on Google and found some references to it. The cause of this error is due to the Java update mentioned here: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/13-0-1-relnotes-5592797.html#JDK-8221858
To fix the error in Domino V11.0.1 do the following
When you now run the LE4D tool, everything should work!
Martin Vogel from sirius-net GmbH informed me in an email about a possible problem with DAOS and Java agents.
If DAOS is activated on a database, in addition to the attachments from data documents, the jar files contained in a Java agent are also transferred to the DAOS repository if they exceed the set size.
I have been able to reproduce the problem with Domino V11.
I started with a freshly installed server, activated DAOS on the server
and enabled the database for DAOS.
load compact -c -DAOS ON barcode.nsf [0B1C:0004-2C3C] 23.01.2020 18:26:48 Informational, DAOS has been enabled for database barcode.nsf. [0B1C:0004-2C3C] 23.01.2020 18:26:48 Compacting barcode.nsf (barcode), -c -DAOS ON barcode.nsf [0B1C:0004-2C3C] 23.01.2020 18:26:48 Recovery Manager: Assigning new DBIID for C:\Domino\Data\barcode.nsf (need new backup for media recovery). [0B1C:0004-2C3C] Clearing DBIID 5B9C3856 for DB C:\Domino\Data\barcode.ORIG [0B1C:0004-2C3C] 23.01.2020 18:26:49 Compacted barcode.nsf, 5K bytes recovered (<1%), -c -DAOS ON barcode.nsf [0B1C:0002-2F14] 23.01.2020 18:26:50 Database compactor process shutdown
Result: Both archive files contained in the agent were transferred to the DAOS repository as NLO.
The agent continues to run without any issue.
When you use Directory Sync, you can register Active Directory users in Domino to create mail files and Notes IDs for them.
To register Active Directory users in Domino, open the Admin client and navigate to “People & Groups -> People“. Select the name of an Active Directory user to register. Right-click and select Register Selected Person.
Select the certifier and type in the password.
The Register Person dialog appears, pre-filled with …
ouups. NOTHING in there.
This is an issue, I ran into during BETA testing. It took a while until we found out the cause for it. If you encounter the same in V11 GA in your environment, open the Notes Client notes.ini and search for
Most likely, servername is not the name of the registration server. Delete the entry from notes.ini and restart the Administration client.
If this does not fix the issue, check your policy settings. Chances are that the registration server in the registration policy does not match the server where you want to register the user.
This is a known issue and will be fixed hopefully in Domino V11.0.1. It’s being tracked under SPR# MOBNBHQQUH.
With the correct settings in place, you will see the following
Complete the registration dialog and register the user.
The Active Directory users is now registered in Domino.
By now, you can only register one user at a time. An enhancement request already exists to register ALL selected Active Directory users.
When you use Directory Sync and the common name of a registered Domino user changes in Active Directory, follow this procedure to change the name in the Domino directory Person document, too.
The Rename Domino users upon Active Directory rename option must be enabled in the Directory Sync configuration document.
When a Domino user’s common name changes in Active Directory, a Rename Common Name administration process request is created. You must approve the request for the rename to be carried out in Domino.
I renamed the user in Active Directory
Here is what you see on the server console during the sync.
[0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Entry with mail address 'd.vader@darkside.org' - NoteID 33086 was found in the target directory. [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify(dn = 'CN=Darth Vaderman,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box', newentry=0) [0290:0004-16DC] 22.01.2020 08:34:28 LLNDirSync CSyncToAdminP::ModifyPerson: FLATFirstFuameValue: CN=Darth Vaderman/CN=Sync/DC=ad/DC=fritz/DC=box Status: No error. [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Submitted adminp request to rename user CN=Darth Vader/O=singultus to CN=Darth Vaderman/O=singultus [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified LastName from 'Vader' to 'Vaderman' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified memberOf from '' to 'CN=BadGuys,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified uSNChanged from '234953' to '235340' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync 'person' Document updated, UTF8 Name = 'CN=Darth Vaderman,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify - Modified existing Note for 'CN=Darth Vaderman,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync [0290:0004-16DC] 22.01.2020 08:34:28 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (1.111 sec, Start=235338, Adds=0, Modifies=1, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=235340)
Open admin4.nsf and navigate to “Rename Common Name Requests”.
Select the names to process and click Complete rename for selected entries. Select certifier and provide the Notes certifier password.
Select “Change common name” in the next dialog box.
A standard administration process Rename In Domino Directory request is then initiated for each name processed.
When users or groups are deleted in Active Directory, they are also deleted in the Domino® directory, with one exception: Active Directory users who are registered as Domino users (have mail files, etc) are not deleted from Domino.
The objectGUID item will be removed from the personrecord on next resync.
DirSync Removed ObjectGUID for Registered User with Note ID 33086, user = CN=Darth Vaderman/O=singultus.
In this part of the tutorial, we want to look at what happens when DirSync synchronizes objects from Active Directory
Let’s first take a look into the Directory Assistance document for the AD domain to find the BaseDN.
Using LDAPAdmin, we can now navigate to CN=Sync under the root entry DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box. This is where DirSync will for users and groups to sync to the target directory.
Our Directory Sync document for domain AD has an LDAPFilter applied to sync only a subset of all entries under the BaseDN
In this sample, only Darth Vader has a mail address that matches the filter criteria.
Let’s see what happens, when DirSync kicks in.
DirSync connects to the Active Directory using the information from the Directory Assistance document for domain AD. It then finds the configured baseDN and evaluates the LDAP filter expression.
[0290:0004-16DC] DirSync CSyncFromAD::SyncSpan (NAMEldap_search_ext_s call) : (&(&(|(objectClass=Group)(objectClass=Person))(|(mail=@brightside.)(mail=@darkside.)(mail=@msdn.)))(uSNChanged>=234898)) took 1 msec [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Processing ldap entry (SyncSpan) #1 from page #1, total entries #1: 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box'
DirSync has identified “Darth Vader” as a valid candidate for sync, creates a new document in the target directory and copies the values from the object attributes in Active Directory to the matching Notes items in the document
[0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified LastName from '' to 'Vader' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified OfficeCity from '' to 'Tatooine' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified OfficeState from '' to 'Alpha Quadrant' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified o from '' to 'Dark Side Inc.' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified JobTitle from '' to 'Bad Guy' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified Comment from '' to 'description' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified OfficeNumber from '' to 'Deathstar' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified OfficePhoneNumber from '' to '+99(555)DEATHSTAR' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified FirstName from '' to 'Darth' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified memberOf from '' to 'CN=starwars,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified uSNChanged from '' to '234898' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified WebSite from '' to 'www.deathstar.info' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified objectGUID from '' to '8e7032bd93bded4782479eaf66208b25' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified InternetAddress from '' to 'd.vader@brightside.org' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified MailAddress from '' to 'd.vader@brightside.org' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified MailSystem from '' to '5' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync 'person' Document updated, Common Name = 'CN=Darth Vader' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify - Added New Note for 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box'
Finally, DirSync saves the document and prints the sync summary
[0290:0004-16DC] DirSync [0290:0004-16DC] 21.01.2020 11:01:03 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.037 sec, Start=234898, Adds=1, Modifies=0, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234898)
Opening names.nsf in the Admin Client, you’ll find a new entry for “Darth Vader”. An icon indicates that this entry has been synced by DirSync.
DirSync by default syncs standard attributes from an Active Directory object to Notes items in the target directory document.
The name in parentheses is not the name of of the target Notes item. It is just descriptive. The actual mapping of an attribute to a Notes item is done via the schema.nsf database on the server.
You can enhance this list and add additional attributes. (higlighted yellow).
In our sample, additional attribute “o” is mapped to the according Notes item “o”.
Currently there is an issue with multi value items. There is no such type in Active Directory. Multiple values are stored in attributes of the same name.
DirSync only syncs the first attribute. This is a known limitation. The issue will be addressed in a future version.
Another known issue is with attributes of type “Image“. They are currently not synced to the person document. The issue is tracked under SPR MOBNBJGSL6 and targeted for V11.0.1.
DirSync adds a couple of internal items to the person document that are needed to identify an Active Directory object in the target directory.
These items should not be modified!
During a scheduled sync, DirSync processes only objects that have been changed after the last sync. (uSNChanged)
[0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Processing ldap entry (SyncSpan) #1 from page #1, total entries #1: 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Entry with mail address 'd.vader@brightside.org' - NoteID 33050 was found in the target directory. [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify(dn = 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box', newentry=0) [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified o from 'Dark Side Inc L' to 'Dark Side Inc.' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified uSNChanged from '234927' to '234930' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync 'person' Document updated, UTF8 Name = 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify - Modified existing Note for 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync [0290:0004-16DC] 21.01.2020 13:48:06 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.022 sec, Start=234930, Adds=0, Modifies=1, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234930)
Be careful, when you set an already synced attribute to an empty value; AD will remove such attributes from the object. As a result, the target document will not be modified.
I removed the value from the “o” attribute in the user object. The attribute was removed completely from the object.
DirSync recognised the change and processed the object. But it could no longer find the “o” attribute and left the item in the person document unchanged.
[0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Processing ldap entry (SyncSpan) #1 from page #1, total entries #1: 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Entry with mail address 'd.vader@brightside.org' - NoteID 33050 was found in the target directory. [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify(dn = 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box', newentry=0) [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync Modified uSNChanged from '234935' to '234936' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync 'person' Document updated, UTF8 Name = 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify - Modified existing Note for 'CN=Darth Vader,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [0290:0004-16DC] DirSync [0290:0004-16DC] 21.01.2020 13:59:06 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.022 sec, Start=234936, Adds=0, Modifies=1, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234936)
When users or groups are deleted in Active Directory, they are also deleted in the Domino® directory, with one exception: Active Directory users who are registered as Domino® users (have mail files, etc) are not deleted from Domino. The deletion is not performed during a scheduled sync. You have to initiale a resync to delete persons that do no longer are available in Active Directory.
SyncFromLDAPToNAB - Deleted existing Note for 'Darth Vader'. This is NOT a registered user and could be a deleted orphan [0290:0005-16E0] DirSync resyncall - SyncFromLDAPToNAB completed in: 0.225 seconds [0290:0005-16E0] DirSync Updating SyncAll Request's DirSyncRequestState to 2 [0290:0005-16E0] 21.01.2020 15:07:10 DIRSYNC Full Resync From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.225 sec, Start=0, Adds=0, Modifies=0, Deletes=1, Skips=2, Errors=0, End=234945)
To monitor DirSync output, you can use the server console or the server log.nsf.
This in general lets you identify possible errors during DirSync processing.
If you need a more verbose output, or you want to dig deeper into DirSync functionallity, use the following notes.ini variable to create some kind of trace mode.
You do not need to restart the DirSync task to switch verbose logging on / off.
Instead of just the summary line
[1730:0004-0BE0] 20.01.2020 12:13:56 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.003 sec, Start=234796, Adds=0, Modifies=0, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234795)
by setting the parameter, you will get a more verbose output.
[1730:0004-0BE0] DirSync ResyncAll by CheckBox: 0 [1730:0004-0BE0] DirSync Preview: 0 [1730:0004-0BE0] DirSync Level: 16 [1730:0004-0BE0] DirSync SyncFlows: 2 [1730:0004-0BE0] DirSync OnPremCookie: [1730:0004-0BE0] DirSync UserDirCookie: 234795 [1730:0004-0BE0] DirSync CSyncFromAD::SyncSpan (NAMEldap_search_ext_s call) : (&(&(|(objectClass=Group)(objectClass=Person))(|(mail=@brightside.)(mail=@darkside.)(mail=@msdn.)))(uSNChanged>=234796)) took 1 msec [1730:0004-0BE0] 20.01.2020 12:14:47 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.001 sec, Start=234796, Adds=0, Modifies=0, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234795)
With this parameter in place, you will also be able to monitor which attributes have been changed in Active Directory.
[1428:0005-17F8] DirSync Processing ldap entry (SyncSpan) #1 from page #1, total entries #1: 'CN=James Kirk,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [1428:0005-17F8] DirSync Entry with mail address 'j.kirk@brightside.org' - NoteID 10082 was found in the target directory. [1428:0005-17F8] DirSync DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify(dn = 'CN=James Kirk,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box', newentry=0) [1428:0005-17F8] DirSync Modified MiddleInitial from '' to 'T' [1428:0005-17F8] DirSync Modified uSNChanged from '234775' to '234796' [1428:0005-17F8] DirSync 'person' Document updated, UTF8 Name = 'CN=James Kirk,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [1428:0005-17F8] DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify - Modified existing Note for 'CN=James Kirk,CN=Sync,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' [1428:0005-17F8] DirSync [1428:0005-17F8] 20.01.2020 12:19:37 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.037 sec, Start=234796, Adds=0, Modifies=1, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234796)
The above output also indicates a possible bug in the DirSync task setting values on the Status tab of the configuration document.
While the LDAP change number corresponds to the End=234796 value in the summary record, the Last sync time (20.01.2020 12:19:37) entry is not updated.
Not sure, at what time this value is being set. I will keep an eye on it.
DirSync also collects several stats. You can access them either from the Admin Client.
or issuing a show stat DirSync command on the server console
show stat dirsync [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.AD.FromAD.Adds = 6 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.AD.FromAD.Deletes = 6 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.AD.FromAD.Millis = 18086 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.AD.FromAD.Modifies = 2 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.AD.FromAD.Skips = 9 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.MIDPOINTS.FromAD.Millis = 108 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.LatestAllDirSyncDocsMillis = 3 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.LongestAllDirSyncDocsMillis = 191 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.LongestSyncTimeMillis = 190 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.LongestSyncTimeNABName = names.nsf [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.NumADChangeQueriesSyncSpan = 1221 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.TimeADChangeQueriesSyncSpan = 15769 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.TotalDirSyncDocs = 2 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.TotalRequestDocs = 0 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] DirSync.Totals.TotalSuccessfulNABSyncs = 30 [1CDC:0009-1EC8] 15 statistics found
In addition to the notes.ini parameter mentioned above, DirSync comes with a lot more notes.ini parameters. They are not documented and should only be used when support advices you to do so.
You can find a list of those parameters using the following command on the server console.
Use / change this parameters only when told by HCL support.
In this part of the tutorial about Domino V11 Directory Synchronization, we want to take a closer look at the actions that can be performed on DirSync configuration documents.
To enable a DirSync configuration, select it in the view and click the Enable button.
You will be presented a dialog box where you can select from 2 options.
Select Run in test mode to simulate the actions that Directory Sync would take but without changing any Domino® data. Make any adjustments needed to the Directory Sync configuration. When you are ready to enable synchronization for real, select Synchronize data.
Next, click OK to close the Activate Directory Sync dialog
DirSync will recognise the new configuration on the next scheduled run.
To disable a DirSync configuration, select the document in the view and click the Disable button.
Next, click OK to close the Deactivate Directory Sync dialog
A “Disable” request document will be created.
DirSync will disable the configuration on next scheduled run and also delete the request document.
You also have to disable a Directory Sync configuration before changing it. You will get a warning message if you try to edit an enabled Directory Sync configuration.
You can resync all of the Active Directory data.Resync if you make changes to the Directory Sync Configuration document that affects which data is synced. Resyncing occurs through a Dirsync thread that runs in the background, in parallel with the usual incremental sync.
Next, click OK to close the Resynchronize Selected Directories dialog
A “Resync” request document will be created.
On the server console you will see the following entries when the DirSync task processes the resync request.
[1BE0:0004-1D10] DirSync Updating SyncAll Request's DirSyncRequestState to 1 [1BE0:0004-1D10] 20.01.2020 06:56:19 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.001 sec, Start=234776, Adds=0, Modifies=0, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234775) [1BE0:0005-0284] DirSync Sync all request calling SyncFromLDAPToNAB. [1BE0:0005-0284] DirSync resyncall - SyncFromLDAPToNAB completed in: 0.363 seconds [1BE0:0005-0284] DirSync Updating SyncAll Request's DirSyncRequestState to 2 [1BE0:0005-0284] 20.01.2020 06:56:26 DIRSYNC Full Resync From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.363 sec, Start=0, Adds=3, Modifies=0, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234775) [1BE0:0004-1D10] DirSync Deleting SyncAll Request [1BE0:0004-1D10] 20.01.2020 06:57:19 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.001 sec, Start=234776, Adds=0, Modifies=0, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234775)
There is a small issue with resync when you accidently flag a disabled DirSync configuration for resync.
After you confirm to resynchronize selected Directories, the configuration will be flagged for resync by setting the item DirSyncReset=”1″.
When you now enable the configuration, you would expect a resync of the selected configuration, right?
But that does not happen. The DirSync task starts as soon as it detects the new configuration, but it does neither perform the requested resync nor it resets the DirSyncReset item value.
Even trying to reinitiate the resync fails. You need to remove the DirSyncReset item value by either using an agent or another tool of your choice.
I have created a case with HCL for this (Case# CS0081445)
If you see the following error message on the server console
[1BE0:0004-1D10] CSyncFromAD::ProcessEntry could not open customer directory - reason File does not exist
check the Domino Directory file name item value in DirSync configuration. Most likely, the file name is misspelled or the file does not exist on the server. In the BETA version, this resulted in an enabled configuration to be prevented from being disabled. This has been tracked under SPR# MOBNBHUHGD and fixed in Domino V11 GA.
After you have created a Directory Assistance document in part 2 of this tutorial, that is enabled for Directory Sync, create a Directory Sync Configuration document in the Domino® directory. You use this document to select Directory Sync configuration options and then to enable Directory Sync.
Open your Domino Directory (names.nsf) and navigate to Configuration > Directory > Directory Sync .
Click “Add Directory Sync” to create a new document.
Select a Directory Assistance Domain from the list of configurations in da.nsf.
For an initial sync of all users and/or groups from the selected Active Directory set “Sync all Active Directory users” to Yes.
Select No (default) to sync only Active Directory users who are registered in Domino. If previously set to Yes, any unregistered Active Directory users
synced previously are removed from the Domino directory.
For an Active Directory record to sync with Domino, the Active Directory mail field must match theInternet address field in the Domino directory Person document.
Type in the name of the application that is the target for synchronized users and/or groups into the “Domino Directory file name” field. Typically, this is your primary address book (names.nsf)
As you can see, the “Direction” field is not editable by now. At the moment, only a sync from Active Directory is possible.
One of DirSync’s abilities is to rename synced users in the target Domino directory when the when the users’ common name changes in Active Directory.
If the name of an Active Directory user who is not registered in Domino® changes, the name is automatically updated in the Domino® directory Person document during sync, regardless of this option.
If the user is already registered, a standard administration process Rename Person request is initiated for each name processed.
The Sync frequency settings tells DirSync how frequently the Dirsync task checks for Active Directory changes to synchronize. Default is once a minute.
Resync frequency tells DirSync how often to resync all data from Active Directory, in minutes. Default is 10,000 minutes or approximately once a week. If you don’t want to regularly resync all data, specify 0 ( not recommended).
If you want to synchronize groups, select the types of groups to synchronize. If you don’t want to synchronize groups, do not select either option on the “Synchronization” tab of the DirSync configuration document.
Keep in mind that the groups to be synced must be in the global group scope. If you try to sync local groups, you will receive an error on the Domino server console.
DirSync DirSync CSyncFromAD::DoModify - Skipping modification because entry = 'CN=Users,CN=Builtin,DC=ad,DC=fritz,DC=box' is not a valid candidate for a 'group' record.
If you only want to sync a subset of all objects under the configured BaseDN, use an LDAp filter.
After you finished your configuration, save and close the document.
Select the saved configuration in the view, click Enable and select Sychronize Data. Select Run in test mode to simulate the actions that Directory Sync would take but without changing any Domino® data.
If not already done, add the DirSync task to the server’s notes.ini
and issue the following command on the server console: load DirSync.
DirSync will be started automatically on next server restart.
The Dirsync task begins to run when it detects the configuration document and you should now see an entry similar to this on the server console.
[1BE0:0004-1D10] 19.01.2020 15:34:09 DIRSYNC From Active Directory (AD) - Summary (0.128 sec, Start=210711, Adds=0, Modifies=0, Deletes=0, Skips=0, Errors=0, End=234710)
Look at the Status tab of the Directory Sync Configuration document in the Domino® directory in addition to monitoring the output of Dirsync at the server console and in log.nsf.
Congratulation, you have successfully configured DirSync synchronization.
In the next part we will dig deeper into DirSync features and abilities.
In part 1 we covered the basic concept of DirSync. In this part, I will explain, how to setup and configure directory assistance.
The first step to configure DirSync is creating a DirSync-enabled directory assistance document in the directory assistance database.
If not already done. To configure directory assistance, you create a directory assistance database from the template DA.NTF, and replicate it to the servers that will use it. A server must have a local replica of a directory assistance database to use directory assistance. Then you add the database file name to the directory assistance database name field in the Domino® Directory Server documents of these servers.
For details about how to setup directory assistance refer to “Directory Assistance” in the HCL Domino Administration Help database.
If you are using an existing directory assistance database, replace its design with the da.ntf template provided with Domino® V11 .
Check the application properties.
Look at the template name in the inherit design from master template section. Hmm, seems to be wrong, isn’t it.
I opened a case with HCL support and got the following reply
I would like to inform you that i have checked the DA.ntf template on Domino Version 9.0.1 & 10.0.1.
On both the version it is showing the same name. I also found an enhancement request to change the DA.ntf template name which has been documented in SPR# CTOE8JRPTC.
So the template name of the DA.nft is not wrong it is as per the design.
Click on “Add Directory Assistance” to create a new document in da.nsf
On the “Basics” tab set select “LDAP” as Domain type and set “Make this domain available to” to “Directory Sync“.
Do not select Notes clients and Internet Authentication/Authorization or LDAP Clients unless you are also using the LDAP directory for these
On the LDAP tab enter the hostname of your Active Directory and provide (optional) credentials to connect to that instance.
Click Verify to verify that the user name and password you entered is valid on each host name and to asure that the search base is accessible on each host name using the configured credentials.
Use the Suggest button to look up the host names of LDAP servers listed in your DNS and to search each host name for likely search bases.
Each server process that provides directory services and detects a local directory assistance database configuration loads directory information configured in the directory assistance database into an internal memory table.
During server startup and thereafter at five-minute intervals each server process checks for changes to the directory assistance database configuration and if found, each process reloads its internal memory table to reflect the changes.e the document.
From the server console of the Domino® administration server, run the sh xdir command to confirm that the DirSync configuration in the Directory Assistance document is set up correctly.
You should get a console output similar to this:
You have now completed the first step in configurating DirSync. Part 3 of this tutorial will explain, how to create DirSync Configuration documents.
When the Domino® server is installed in a Microsoft Windows domain, as an administrator, you typically need to maintain two separate directories for the same set of people and groups.
Maintaining user and group information involves adding entries to both directories, deleting entries, ensuring that passwords are the same when users use Notes® Single Logon, coordinating group membership in both directories, and ensuring that user or group settings, such as email addresses and telephone numbers, are identical.
Prior to HCL Domino® V11 you had to install Domino® Active Directory synchronization as an additional feature. This only worked in a Windows environment. Tools like TDI also work on Linux, but the installation and configuration is not easy and error-prone.
HCL Domino V11 introduces ( and replaces ) a new, integrated task to synchronize users and groups . The task is called Directory Sync or DirSync in short.
DirSync replaces the older Active Directory Synchronization feature, which is now deprecated. The new DirSync feature is a simpler, more effective synchronization tool . In this blog series, I will describe the basic concept and explain, how to setup and configure DirSync.
As an HCL Master, I had the privilege to test DirSync already from the first closed V11 BETA on. The HCL team did a great job answering questions about the feature and also fixing issues as soon as they had been reported in the BETA forum.
A lot of fixes have been included in HCL Domino® V11 GA in 12/2019. There are still a few issues on the list that were not so easy to fix. They will be addressed in HCL Domino® V11.01 and later. If available, I will post case numbers and SPR#.
Also, there are some additional DirSync features in the backlog that will be added in future versions of HCL Domino®.
So, what is DirSync and what can you do with it ?
DirSync includes the following components:
What abilities does DirSync provide ?
DirSync does not sync the password from an Active Directory into the person document in Domino® directory in HCL Domino® V11. This may or may not change in a future version.
Here is what a DirSync environment could look like
serv01 is the Administration server of the Domino® directory running the DirSync task.
Directory Assistant database (da.nsf) contains configuration documents that describe the configuration for the 2 Active Directory instances to sync users and/or groups from.
Domino® directory database (names.nsf) contains the DirSync configuration documents that are needed for synchronization from the Active Directory instances. (AD)
syncbook.nsf is an additional addressbook. Depending on DirSync configuration in names.nsf, users and/or groups are either synced into the primary Domino® directory names.nsf or the secondary syncbook.nsf.
To access Active Directory and add, delete or modify objects, I use LDAP Admin from http://www.ldapadmin.org and AD Explorer from Microsoft Sysinternals Tools https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/adexplorer .
In part 2 of this tutorial I will explain, how to setup and configure the Directory assistant database.
I tried to install the SNMP agent on a Domino V11 GA installation on Windows 2016 / 64.
Running lnsnmp.exe -Sc resulted in the following error.
D:\Domino>lnsnmp.exe -Sc Error opening registry key "Domino" Error Detail: RegOpenKeyEx error code 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.) Full key: SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\DominoMIB\CurrentVersion Service deletion failed.
I looked into regedit and found the SOFTWARE/Lotus key to be completely empty.
As a workaround, create the needed keys manually. The keys can be empty.
Now run lnsnmp.exe -Sc again, and the service will be created successfully.
D:\Domino>lnsnmp.exe -Sc Service creation complete.
Here are the slides from a presentation at DNUG Domino Day last week where Daniel Nashed and myself presented a First Look into Domino 11.