[Vaadin] – widgetsets ‘com.vaadin.defaultwidgetset’ does not contain implementation for com.vaadin.addon.charts

While working on the IBM Vaadin Challenge, I ran into an issue after adding the charts component to may new project.


I implemented the charts components by adding the the following line to my ivy.xml file


and recompiled the widgetset.

Never the less, the error message appeared.
If you ( like me ) are new to Vaadin, you might spend some time to solve the puzzle. So I thought, I write a short description, how to fix this.

Goto your src folder and locate the compiled widgetset


Next, open the ..UI.java file. I contails a line similar like this

@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = ChartUI.class)

Modify the line so it will point to your widgetset ( do not include the ‘.gwt.xml’ part )

@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = ChartUI.class,

When you now run the application, it will display your chart.