SSJS Extension – New Function: @GetNextBusinessDayExt()
I have added a new @Function to my SSJS project on OpenNTF.
@GetNextBusinessDayExt( [offset] ; [baseDate] ; [excludedDaysOfWeek] ; [excludedDates] )
Number of non-excluded days from the baseDate that the result date will be
Date to start counting offset from. If specify “null” defaults to today
Numer or number list. Optional. Days of the week not counted as business days, where 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday.
DEFAULT: 1,7 ( Sunday, Saturday )
String of date strings (formatted as <CODE>SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance().format(</CODE>)) which represent specific dates which should be excluded from the counting of days, such as holidays
Return value:
The earliest date which is offset days after the baseDate. InĀ counting towards this result date, any excludedDaysOfWeek and any excludedDates are excluded from counting towards the offset