Just a quick post before I leave the office for the 46. DanNotes conference.
Looked into source code of the OpenNTF Extension Library and found 2 undocumented functions in the Javascript Extension. (@NormalizeSubject and @ViewIconUrl).
@NormalizeSubject trims a subject to the specified maxlength if it exceeds it and adds 3 dots at the end of the normalized string. So an @NormalizeSubject(‘Hello World’, 9) becomes Hello Wor… .
@ViewIconUrl returns the full path to an icon ressource. For example @ViewIconUrl(81) returns /.ibmxspres/domino/icons/vwicn081.gif
You can find more functions @IsAbsoluteUrl, @InfoMessage, @WarningMessage in the NotesFunctionsEx.java file
These two functions is really something what needed.
Thanks for sharing.