Lotus Notes / Domino 8.5.2 is just around the corner. GA has been announced for 24-August-2010. The fixlist is already available and contains almost 1.500 fixes. One of my favourites is:
DWON84BSU3 Fixed issue with Sametime Chat status text being displayed in Portuguese instead of Brazilian Portuguese.
Didn’t know that there is such a big difference in language …
The difference is more then eight letters:
in the first sentence is wrong: “…no ecr” will be changed to: “…na tela”
and in a second sentence is wrong: “… a responder” will be changed to: “… respondendo”
more infos at APAR: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1LO50633&myns=swglotus&mynp=OCSSKTMJ&mync=R
There are some differences Ulrich.