We’ll do everything with HASH but smoke it

Andrew Pollack will present a session about HASH at Entwicklercamp 2009 in Gelsenkirchen. Here is the session abstract:

This will be an entire session on using HASH values, HASH tables, and HASH maps.
We’ll use it to compile a report in memory from two different data sources without reading and sorting all the documents.
We’ll use it to compare a million rows of data from an SQL call against a database of Notes documents to look for field updates without ever reading any of the notes documents.
We’ll compare two databases with a million records each, and pick up the one that changed between the two in seconds — reading only a two column view that isn’t even sorted.

Sounds like this will be great fun πŸ™‚

One thought on “We’ll do everything with HASH but smoke it

  1. But the “LotusScript Source code generator” is now replaced by “Meta- Strukturdefinition: Parametrieren statt Programmieren”… πŸ™

    Now I’ll attend Rocky’s session about Mythbusting. πŸ˜€

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