14 thoughts on “Still No Traveler Download

  1. Ahha! Found this on Planet Lotus … oh man, I thought I was the only one! I’m sat using Good Messaging at the moment, but it’s decided to totally stop working in the UK with IPAQ devices (GPRS failures constantly), so we’re waiting to test out this baby … and I signed up within the first 2 hours of the webpage going up, and got nothing back. I’m still sat in the same boat, 4 days later.

    I’m really hoping they’re swamped too!

    I’ve just actually eMailed the BP channel in the UK to try and get the score for me!



  2. please can anyone give the link to download the Lotus Traveler my e-mail address is “ibelieve_intechnology@yahoo.co.in” i will be most thankful to that person


  3. Hello! I need the download for my company, too. Please! My email adress is christian1980nrw at gmail dot com. Thanks. Christian

  4. Hi experts,

    Anyone that has the lotur traveler for domino 8.0, appreciate if you can send the file or the link to a place where I can download it.

    my email: andybr@bol.com.br


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