In R6 you can use @BusinessDays to calculate the number of working days between one date and another, excluding non-working days and a list of dates to exclude as well. As there is no equivalent in LotusScript, I wrote a small class to simulate @BusinessDays in LS.
Actually I did not reinvent the wheel, but simply used evaluate in combination with @BusinessDays to achieve the aim.
Here is my code:
Class BusinessDay
Private holidays As String
Private nondays As String
Sub New (strExcludeDays As String,strExcludeDates As String)
holidays = "[01/01/1899]"
nondays = "0"
If strExcludeDays <> "" Then
nondays = strExcludeDays
End If
If strExcludeDates <> "" Then
holidays = strExcludeDates
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetBusinessDays(dtStart As String,dtEnd As String) As Integer
Dim bd As Variant
Dim StartDT As New NotesDateTime(dtStart)
Dim EndDT As New NotesDateTime(dtEnd)
GetBusinessDays = 0
bd = Evaluate({@BusinessDays([}&_
Cdat(StartDT.DateOnly)& {];[}&_
Cdat(EndDT.DateOnly)& {];}&_
Me.nondays &{;}&_
Me.holidays &_
GetBusinessDays = Cint(bd(0))
End Function
End Class
To test the code, put the code into the declaration section of a button. In your “Click” event type
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim dtStart As String
Dim dtEnd As String
dtStart = "05.06.2007"
dtEnd = "11.06.2007"
'Dim b As New BusinessDay("1:7","[08.06.2007]:[06.06.2007]:[07.06.2007]")
'Dim b As New BusinessDay("","[08.06.2007]:[06.06.2007]:[07.06.2007]")
Dim b As New BusinessDay("","")
Msgbox b.GetBusinessDays (dtStart,dtEnd )
End Sub